Monday, February 24, 2020

Information Systems Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Information Systems - Research Paper Example Despite the efficiency and effectiveness of the communication system at the company, Hierarchical Network Design incorporation offers more benefits (White & Donohue, 2014). To meet the fundamental network design goals, a network should be developed on an architecture that permits both flexibilities as well as growth. The hierarchical design is effectively used to group devices into various networks. Such a network design involves subdividing the network into various discrete layers. Every layer provides precise functions that outline its role within the network in totality (Oppenheimer, 2005). Through separating the functions that are on a network, the network design becomes very proper for use for this business for it becomes modular, facilitating scalability as well as performance. Such are the urgent concern for a modern day bicycle manufacturing business. The usual hierarchical design is broken up into distinctly three layers, core, access and access, distribution. The core layer, for instance, will connect distribution layer devices. Access layer, on the other hand, has the main purpose providing a direct connection to network devices and controlli ng the devices allowed to communicate with it. Finally, distribution layer has the role of interconnecting the smaller local networks. As a conclusion, by examining the communication network within Mosaic Cycle; the overall efficiency and effectiveness of this system are evident. Nonetheless, as evident in the paper hierarchical network possess advantages over this network designs thus recommended.

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